Tag: restrooms

Choose the Right Hall Pass for Your School
The internet has no shortage of hilarious hall passes that go viral. A globe. A plastic baby. An oversized pencil. But if you’re looking for something more practical for your students, we suggest you consider MyDoorSign’s hall passes. Durable Having sturdy hall passes is as important as having an efficient hall pass system. Disposable hall […]

Austin passes gender-neutral bathroom ordinance
Using public restrooms will no longer bring anxiety to the transgender community in Austin. The city has approved a resolution which requires all single stall public bathrooms to be gender-neutral. The city has become the first in Texas to enact an ordinance that is aimed to address public restroom issues plaguing the transgender community, people with disabilities, and parents […]

All-gender bathrooms now mandatory in West Hollywood
All single-stall restrooms in West Hollywood, California, will soon be open to anyone, regardless of whether they identify as men, women, or as transgender. Businesses and public spaces must change all signage to all-gender signage on existing single-stall restrooms within the next two months, according to a new ordinance, reports List. While West Hollywood is the […]

Your keyboard is dirtier than a toilet seat
It may appear clean and tidy, but just how germ-free is your office? Studies have discovered as many as 25,000 germs per square inch on an office telephone, and, if that isn’t startling enough, consider this: The typical office desk is 400 times dirtier than the average toilet seat, reports EHS Today. Office germs have a noticeable […]

New signage cuts down on bathroom wait times
Everyone’s been there: the interminable bathroom line that snakes around concert venues, sport arenas, and other large gathering spaces. Tooshlights, a California-based startup, is hoping to cut down bathroom wait lines at public spots such as these by up to 50 percent, with a new LED sign system, reports Forbes. The idea is simple. The […]

WC History: What’s wrong with the modern bathroom?
Modern bathroom design isn’t just inefficient, it can even be unhealthy. As the Guardian reports, “It is hard to find something that we actually got right in the modern bathroom.” From the size of the room — far too small — to the poor ventilation and water waste, the modern-day bathroom, argues writer Lloyd Alter, is in […]

Chicago company limits bathroom breaks to six minutes
A Chicago company has demanded its employees limit daily bathroom breaks to an average of six minutes per day, or face discipline, according to a worker’s union, reports CNN. The union, Teamsters Local 743, issued a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board, stating that the company — WaterSaver Faucet Co. — unreasonably punished 19 workers last […]

Check out MyDoorSign’s new All-Gender signs
We’ve written extensively on the growing acceptance of all-gender bathrooms, and as awareness has grown, so has the importance of all-gender restroom signs. You may have noticed that we redesigned our all-gender signs (thanks, GLAAD!). We replaced the cisgender-based icon, which social justice activist Sam Killermann criticized, with the simpler imagery he proposed: a toilet. […]