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Gender-inclusive restroom signs fight for transgender citizens’ rights

Gender-inclusive restroom signs fight for transgender citizens’ rights

| March 21, 2017

When you see this sign, what’s your first reaction? Progressive? Hyper politically-correct? Radical? Polarizing? For the nearly one million people in the U.S. who identify as transgender, it can provide relief from the daily struggle they face just to use the restroom. This gender-inclusive sign promotes equal access to public restrooms, easing the discrimination that […]

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For people with disabilities, inaccessible county fair bathrooms are a huge problem

For people with disabilities, inaccessible county fair bathrooms are a huge problem

| March 21, 2017

From riding rickety roller coasters to gorging on the funnel cake, there is nothing like a good county fair. For vendors or community activists, fairs are ideal opportunities to set up a booth to sell items or champion a cause. As hubs of both entertainment and community, it’s vital that everyone has access to these […]

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The untold story behind stick figure bathroom signs

The untold story behind stick figure bathroom signs

| March 20, 2017

Anyone who’s ever “had to go” recognizes them: the stick-figure man and woman that adorn the signs of men’s and women’s bathrooms, indicating which gender is welcome where. The secret to the pair of pictograms’ longevity, reports the BBC, is simplicity. Found from continent to continent, in airports, bars, restaurants, shops, and, well, anywhere else […]

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The gender-neutral restroom debate: right or privilege?

The gender-neutral restroom debate: right or privilege?

| March 18, 2017

Earlier this month, the vote to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act marked the first time in history a transgender employment non-discrimination bill passed in the Senate. The bill’s approval is a huge step toward equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning workers. The question that needs to be asked going forward is: How will […]

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New bathroom finder app locates transgender-friendly facilities

New bathroom finder app locates transgender-friendly facilities

| March 16, 2017

A recently-released online directory will inform transgender people of transgender-friendly bathrooms, reports The Advocate. Known as Refuge Restrooms, the bathroom finder was created by Teagan Widmer, and it draws on an open-source database of more than 4,000 restrooms known to be safe for transgender people. Widmer explained to The Advocate, it’s simply “a web application […]

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The Colbert Report takes on our ‘All Gender’ restroom signs

The Colbert Report takes on our ‘All Gender’ restroom signs

| March 16, 2017

Described as a “well-intentioned, poorly informed high-status idiot” and a “self-important right-wing commentator,” Stephen Colbert has famously established his parody show The Colbert Report as a leading source of comedy-news.  Two weeks ago Colbert discussed an issue close to MyDoorSign: the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Stephen Colbert jokes, “Some bathrooms have – and this is true!- an […]

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What’s stopping the spread of gender-neutral restrooms?

What’s stopping the spread of gender-neutral restrooms?

| March 15, 2017

While states implement laws to incorporate gender-neutrality in terms of employment and extend support to the LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex and Asexual) community, there are some inequality issues in the public domain that still need to be addressed — for instance, the restroom choice. Conservatives think making restrooms gender-neutral allows sexual predators free access to women’s […]

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Austin passes gender-neutral bathroom ordinance

Austin passes gender-neutral bathroom ordinance

| March 15, 2017

Using public restrooms will no longer bring anxiety to the transgender community in Austin. The city has approved a resolution which requires all single stall public bathrooms to be gender-neutral. The city has become the first in Texas to enact an ordinance that is aimed to address public restroom issues plaguing the transgender community, people with disabilities, and parents […]

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Philadelphia makes gender-neutral restrooms the law

Philadelphia makes gender-neutral restrooms the law

| March 14, 2017

Most of us don’t think twice when pushing through bathroom doors marked “women” or “men,” “ladies” or “gents,” or any other iteration of those two genders. But for some, deciding which communal restroom to use isn’t so simple. In Philadelphia, transgender people, who often have to weigh their gender preference against how they will be […]

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All-gender bathrooms now mandatory in West Hollywood

All-gender bathrooms now mandatory in West Hollywood

| March 13, 2017

All single-stall restrooms in West Hollywood, California, will soon be open to anyone, regardless of whether they identify as men, women, or as transgender. Businesses and public spaces must change all signage to all-gender signage on existing single-stall restrooms within the next two months, according to a new ordinance, reports List. While West Hollywood is the […]

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