Pet policies: premises that say yes to pets as well as no pets allowed
Why do some establishments embrace pets and others frown upon Fido? Many private businesses do not permit pets, concerned about allergens, phobias, pets destroying merchandise or interrupting a customer’s experience. However, you’d be shocked at the franchises that welcome pets: Brands that do not allow pets in stores: Home Depot banned pets from its Canada stores in […]
Pet-friendly hotels gain popularity, offer impressive amenities
Hotels offer a wide variety of services, from the necessary to the upscale and unusual, to make their guests feel at home: pedicures, massages, gift baskets, exercise classes, gourmet room service, luxury bedding, even psychics — no, not for you, for your pet! A recent New York Times article reports that as pets become family members […]
Pet Adoption 101: Tips on adopting as summertime adoption events pick up
From South Carolina and the Quad Cities of Iowa and Illinois, to Wisconsin, and New York, summertime pet adoption events are popping up throughout the country. It’s a particularly relevant time to consider the stats on adoption, animal euthanization, and other furry friend issues. First, the good news: According to the Humane Society, between 1970 […]
Out of the doghouse: Luxury home design for pets (and pet owners) is trending
Gone, it seems, are the simple clapboard doghouses the likes of which Snoopy used to snooze in. In their place, as pet ownership rises in the U.S., are heated pet beds, Fido-friendly windows, and custom-built nooks and crannies designed within — not outside — pet owners’ homes. As the Wall Street Journal recently reported, certain pet owners […]
Hospitals say yes to visits from household pets
When you’re stranded in a hospital bed, all you want is to be reminded of the comforts of home. Many hospitals use in-house trained animals for pet therapy, but most generally don’t allow household pets to visit patients. However, it looks like some are starting to open their doors. Some facilities are exceptionally progressive, such […]
Emotional support animals come under scrutiny
As the New York Times recently reported, the use of emotional support animals, such as dogs, cats, and even miniature horses, on airplanes is drawing complaints from passengers, airline staff, and others. Emotional support animals differ from service animals, such as seeing eye dogs who assist the visually impaired; emotional service animals aren’t required to […]
Miniature horses are now recognized as important (and adorable) service animals
It may not just be hopeful children asking for pet horses this year, but adults with mobility issues as well. A new law passed in Arizona allows miniature horses to be used as service animals by blind and disabled children. What exactly are miniature horses? They are biologically small horses, typically 24 to 34 inches, […]
Fake service dogs infringe on rights of abled and disabled alike
A disturbing trend has been observed in New York and California: pet owners attempting to pass off their dogs as service dogs. From public transportation to posh restaurants, certain dog owners are either simply calling their dogs service animals, or going as far as to dress their fake service dogs in fake service vests. The […]
In the most pet-friendly cities, newly pet-friendly apartments attract renters
If you treat your pet like a family member, you have reason to smile. An increasing number of apartments in the US have started welcoming pets. According to a recent survey, three in four apartment and townhouse communities allow renters to keep pets. Another survey found that landlords allowing pets made more money from their apartments, […]