Office Hazards

How to enforce your “No Soliciting” sign
Most business owners would agree that unwanted solicitation can create daily stress — and may even negatively impact employee morale and customer satisfaction. Many businesses address would-be solicitors with a clear “No Soliciting” sign posted in clear view outside the store. But when a simple sign doesn’t work, what steps can a business take to ensure […]

Oxygen in use signs make oxygen treatment safer for all
“Oxygen In Use” door signs are essential around areas where oxygen treatment is given. What exactly is an oxygen treatment? Some diseases and conditions can prevent people from getting enough oxygen, so an oxygen tank is supplied in a metal cylinder or other container. This treatment can be administered at a hospital, another medical setting, or at […]

Lawsuit sheds light on dangers of revolving doors
A prestigious New York City literary agent’s close encounter with revolving doors — and resulting lawsuit — is drawing attention to the doors’ inherent dangers. Marianne Strong, a 91-year-old literary agent, was on her way out of a gala held at the Jumeirah Essex House in Manhattan in May of this year when the incident occurred. “The door […]

The disturbing significance of employee silence
Employee silence can mask an array of significant workplace problems, according to a recent study published in Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. Surmising that all is well — just because all is quiet — can be a dangerous assumption on the part of supervisors and organizational leaders. In reality, “both performance and employee morale […]

Senate approves ban on workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation
Earlier this month, the Senate approved a ban on workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in a milestone vote that, for the first time in the Senate’s history, includes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in the U.S.’ nondiscrimination law, reports the New York Times. The bipartisan measure — called the Employment Nondiscrimination […]

More and more employees are failing drug tests
Employers may raise their eyebrows at a recent study that reveals an increase in the number of employees failing drug tests. A Quest Diagnostics analysis of 8.5 million urine, saliva, and hair workplace drug tests reveals that the number of workers who tested positive between 2003 and 2013 increased by 5.7 percent relatively year-over-year. The report has […]

Windowless offices result in less sleep for workers, says study
That sweet corner office isn’t just about the little luxuries, like stretching legs and slamming doors: Being exposed to natural light may have a major impact on worker health, according to a recent case study, reports Co.Design. This small study, led by architects and medical researchers, compared those workers exposed to natural light at work […]