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Tag: remzem

Pet policies: premises that say yes to pets as well as no pets allowed

Pet policies: premises that say yes to pets as well as no pets allowed

| March 22, 2017

Why do some establishments embrace pets and others frown upon Fido?  Many private businesses do not permit pets, concerned about allergens, phobias, pets destroying merchandise or interrupting a customer’s experience. However, you’d be shocked at the franchises that welcome pets:    Brands that do not allow pets in stores:   Home Depot banned pets from its Canada stores in […]

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How to enforce your “No Soliciting” sign

How to enforce your “No Soliciting” sign

| March 22, 2017

Most business owners would agree that unwanted solicitation can create daily stress — and may even negatively impact employee morale and customer satisfaction. Many businesses address would-be solicitors with a clear “No Soliciting” sign posted in clear view outside the store. But when a simple sign doesn’t work, what steps can a business take to ensure […]

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The Office Courtesy Series: Office Refrigerator Etiquette

The Office Courtesy Series: Office Refrigerator Etiquette

| March 22, 2017

Refrigerators are wonderful inventions, allowing us to store perishable food for weeks at a time. They’re especially ideal to have at work—we can make lunch at home, store it in the fridge at the office, and save money that would otherwise be spent on restaurant food. However, these useful ice boxes have a downside. They […]

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Oxygen in use signs make oxygen treatment safer for all

Oxygen in use signs make oxygen treatment safer for all

| March 21, 2017

“Oxygen In Use” door signs are essential around areas where oxygen treatment is given. What exactly is an oxygen treatment? Some diseases and conditions can prevent people from getting enough oxygen, so an oxygen tank is supplied in a metal cylinder or other container.  This treatment can be administered at a hospital, another medical setting, or at […]

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Gender-inclusive restroom signs fight for transgender citizens’ rights

Gender-inclusive restroom signs fight for transgender citizens’ rights

| March 21, 2017

When you see this sign, what’s your first reaction? Progressive? Hyper politically-correct? Radical? Polarizing? For the nearly one million people in the U.S. who identify as transgender, it can provide relief from the daily struggle they face just to use the restroom. This gender-inclusive sign promotes equal access to public restrooms, easing the discrimination that […]

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Pet-friendly hotels gain popularity, offer impressive amenities

Pet-friendly hotels gain popularity, offer impressive amenities

| March 21, 2017

Hotels offer a wide variety of services, from the necessary to the upscale and unusual, to make their guests feel at home: pedicures, massages, gift baskets, exercise classes, gourmet room service, luxury bedding, even psychics — no, not for you, for your pet! A recent New York Times article reports that as pets become family members […]

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What does “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” really mean?

What does “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” really mean?

| March 21, 2017

In restaurants and near cash registers, we’ve all seen signs that state: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” But who can business owners really refuse service to? It’s certainly not just anyone. Here’s a breakdown of what is and isn’t covered by this familiar phrase. Can business owners really refuse service to anyone? […]

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From social smokers to addicts: the rise of teen smoking in America

From social smokers to addicts: the rise of teen smoking in America

| March 21, 2017

Despite the government’s efforts to curb teen smoking and the slight progress it made last year, cigarette smoking is on the rise again. Experts believe teen smoking may start as a social and casual habit, but in many cases, can transform into an addiction. Teens and young adults make up 90% of new smokers According to […]

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Pet Adoption 101: Tips on adopting as summertime adoption events pick up

Pet Adoption 101: Tips on adopting as summertime adoption events pick up

| March 20, 2017

From South Carolina and the Quad Cities of Iowa and Illinois, to Wisconsin, and New York,  summertime pet adoption events are popping up throughout the country. It’s a particularly relevant time to consider the stats on adoption, animal euthanization, and other furry friend issues. First, the good news: According to the Humane Society, between 1970 […]

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Lawsuit sheds light on dangers of revolving doors

Lawsuit sheds light on dangers of revolving doors

| March 20, 2017

A prestigious New York City literary agent’s close encounter with revolving doors — and resulting lawsuit — is drawing attention to the doors’ inherent dangers. Marianne Strong, a 91-year-old literary agent, was on her way out of a gala held at the Jumeirah Essex House in Manhattan in May of this year when the incident occurred. “The door […]

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