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Tag: office party

How to plan the perfect office potluck

How to plan the perfect office potluck

| March 12, 2017

Your event planning budget is tapped, but you still want to get the office together for an afternoon of bonding and putting off tedious tasks: It’s the perfect excuse for a potluck. Planned carelessly, though, potlucks can leave everyone wishing they’d just gone out to lunch or, worse, opted for a sad desk salad. With […]

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7 last-minute Halloween costumes for the office

7 last-minute Halloween costumes for the office

| March 11, 2017

Haven’t figured out what to wear for your office’s annual Halloween party yet? And it’s tomorrow? Don’t fret! Here are seven costumes you can throw together at the last minute with stuff you’re likely to have lying around the office, making these selections the perfect office Halloween costumes. Now, the only think you’ll have to […]

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How to deal with high spirits and low inhibitions at office holiday parties

How to deal with high spirits and low inhibitions at office holiday parties

| March 1, 2017

Holiday party season is now in full swing, and while last year, we doled out survival tips to the party-going employees, this year, we’d like to take a moment to caution the employers. Employers planning holiday parties for their businesses should prepare to handle overindulgent employees and the ensuing uncomfortable situations. Additional efforts on the part of the employer […]

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