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Tag: Occupational Safety & Health Administration

Windowless offices result in less sleep for workers, says study

Windowless offices result in less sleep for workers, says study

| February 27, 2017

That sweet corner office isn’t just about the little luxuries, like stretching legs and slamming doors: Being exposed to natural light may have a major impact on worker health, according to a recent case study, reports Co.Design. This small study, led by architects and medical researchers, compared those workers exposed to natural light at work […]

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Offices plants make employees happier, study discovers

Offices plants make employees happier, study discovers

| September 9, 2014

A few office plants can work wonders for workers, according to a new study on “green versus lean office space.” As Time reports, the study — the first of its kind — found a noticeable long-term impact of office plants: Researchers from Cardiff University, the University of Exeter and the University of Groningen measured a 15 percent […]

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New smart sensors are a multifaceted fix for office woes

New smart sensors are a multifaceted fix for office woes

| August 20, 2014

It may sound like the miracle pill of the 9-to-5 world, but hear us out: New sensor technology can save energy, track employees, and perhaps even improve worker morale. A startup company called Enlightened has developed wireless heat and motion tracking systems to make a heat map of employee movements and more effectively adjust office […]

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