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Tag: Occupational Safety and Health Administration

The disturbing significance of employee silence

The disturbing significance of employee silence

| March 19, 2017

Employee silence can mask an array of significant workplace problems, according to a recent study published in Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. Surmising that all is well — just because all is quiet — can be a dangerous assumption on the part of supervisors and organizational leaders. In reality, “both performance and employee morale […]

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Should your workplace have a private lactation room?

Should your workplace have a private lactation room?

| March 13, 2017

Although it’s been a requirement under the Affordable Care Act since 2010, some employers remain in the dark as to their responsibility for providing private lactation rooms for employees. What’s a lactation room, exactly? According to the ACA, it is “a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion […]

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Brooklyn Best Buy faces emergency exit fines

Brooklyn Best Buy faces emergency exit fines

| February 4, 2014

A Best Buy in Brooklyn has been cited for blocking an emergency exit, according to reports by The Brooklyn Eagle. Penalized by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the retailer — which had previously been fined for a blocked exit in another location â€” will answer to a proposed fine of $27,500. Kay Gee, […]

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