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Tag: google glass

Google Glass finally finds place among ‘hands-on’ working professionals

Google Glass finally finds place among ‘hands-on’ working professionals

| September 19, 2014

With a San Francisco-based startup integrating workplace software with Google Glass, the wearable technology can now expect something better than the criticism it often receives for breaching privacy. Drawing upon features of Google Glass to improve the performance of professionals at work, Wearable Intelligence (one of the five partners certified by Google) is creating professional […]

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High-tech Google contact lenses probably don’t do what you think

High-tech Google contact lenses probably don’t do what you think

| January 22, 2014

Your first thought after hearing about Google’s new smart contact lenses may have been of Google’s other buzzed-about innovation, Google Glass. But if you were thinking that the two had anything in common, you’d be wrong. On Thursday, Google announced plans to make contact lenses embedded with minuscule chips and sensors that will measure the glucose […]

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Take our “Google Glass & Parenting” quiz

Take our “Google Glass & Parenting” quiz

| November 6, 2013

Sure, you’ve kept up with the controversy over Google Glass and where it will and won’t be allowed, but how much do you actually know about what Google Glass can and can’t do? In the lead up to a larger launch of the buzzed-about technology, you may be wondering the following: How much information can […]

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