Innovative office spaces bring the outdoors in

The days of boring office cubicles (and “cube dwellers”) are slowing disappearing. Architects and designers are getting more creative with out-of-the-box workplaces that bring outdoor fun in. The latest to join the list of innovative office spaces is Onefootball, which programs the world’s leading football app.

Designed by TKEZ, an architecture firm in Munich, Onefootball’s new Berlin headquarters is a lively fusion of work and play. The office features a green AstroTurf track that snakes from the elevator across the reception, open desk areas, turfed conference rooms, and football-themed trimmings like locker room-style metal cabinets. The dining room floor displays graphics denoting game strategies and each end of the track running through the 15,000 square-foot office has a goal post. One of the corners has been converted into a gaming zone, complete with soccer tables and adorned with soccer team scarves.

Signed yellow jerseys are hung inside open metal cabinets to give the illusion of a locker room.        From FastCo.Design

Big businesses the world over, especially in the ad and design sectors, are now kicking down cubicles for more open and creative work-fun spaces. Companies believe that stimulating surroundings can bring forth creativity and productivity, and one organization that believes it more than anybody is Google. All of the company’s offices exemplify creativity, and have incredibly inspiring workplaces. Popular social networking companies like Facebook, Digg, Skype, and Twitter have also come up with creative workspaces to get their employees’ creative juices flowing.

Google’s Zurich office has, ski cabins, massage rooms, jamming rooms, foam-filled baths, asky room, and more.

A racing track and a pirate’s ship form part of Inventionland’s 15 innovative office areas in Pittsburgh.

Selgas Cano Architecture, Madrid, has an office that is built in the woods and is half underground.

Images from Taringa and Despiertaymira

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